On July 16, 2019, the NationalUniversity Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences Course Teaching Seminar wasorganized by the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University and the Dunhuang Research Institutein Dunhuang, and thatwas hosted by the Higher Education Press and the Environmental Science and Engineering Professional Teaching Advisory Board, Ministry of Education.
AcademicianJiming Hao (School of Environmental Science, Tsinghua University) was invited to participate in thisconference. BominSu(Minister of Conservation and Research, Dunhuang Academy), Professor QiWang (School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University), Professor Jian Wu(School of Environmental Science, Renmin University of China), Professor HuiwangGao (School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China), Professor Lianxi Sheng(School of Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University), and ZhengxiongChen (Director of the Department of Geoscience and Environment, the Higher Education Press) attended the conference.
Theconferenceemphasized that the strategic position of ecological civilization construction has been continuously improved in recent years. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China first proposed "to constructecological civilization". The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the reform of the ecological civilization system. The 13th National People's Congress voted to adopt the "A Constitutional Amendment of the People's Republic of China" to officially write ecological civilization into the constitution. Ecological civilization has become the dominant concept of social development, which means that the development of environmental humanities and social sciences is facing a major turning point.